Letter I

Showing 40 of 51 Items

Within a joint.


This is a type of breast implant rupture where the silicone leaks out of the implant bag BUT is contained within the implant capsule. This type of rupture can be very difficult to detect on a mammogram but can be diagnosed with MRI. Please see “capsule” and “extracapsular rupture” for more information.


Non-cancerous tumor contained within a milk duct. Although it is considered non-cancerous, it is usually taken out with surgery.


“Within” the liver. For example, intrahepatic bile duct (tube draining gallbladder juice) means bile duct that lies within the liver.


Refers to the wall of a body part within tubular body part (i.e. blood vessel or intestine). For example, intramural hematoma in the aorta means bleeding within the wall of aorta.


Means inside the abdomen. Inside the sac that contains our abdominal organs and some of the intestine. Extraperitoneal means the opposite (outside the sac which contains abdominal organs and some part of the intestine).


Abnormal air in the belly.  This can be caused by an air leak or rupture somewhere within the GI tract (stomach, small bowel, colon).  Normally, air within the belly should be contained within the GI tract.  Air within the belly that is outside of the GI tract is abnormal.  Abnormal air usually collects under the diaphragm on an upright chest x-ray.


Adjective.  Within the pleural space.


One part of intestine gets pulled into another part of the intestine. Imagine what happens when your kids take of their socks off “inside out”. This process can be sometimes harmless / transient, but sometimes it can cause blockage of intestine / longstanding. In some cases, this process can be started from a mass inside the intestine (referred to as “leading mass”).


The most common form of breast cancer. This is cancer that has spread outside of the milk ducts.