HERNIA (chest)
Bulging beyond the normal boundaries. This is usually caused by a defect (hole) in a normal anatomic structure. For example, a Bockdalek hernia occurs when there is a defect in the diaphragm with abdominal fat (or organs) bulging into the chest.

An abnormal bulging or pinching of the disc. They are usually classified as protrusions, bulges, or extrusions.

Refers to bulging beyond the usual anatomic borders. It is caused by a pressure or mass effect. There are many types of herniation in the brain consisting of subfalcine, transtentorial, transformanial, and uncal.

Adjective. Blotchy, non-uniform appearance. Is the opposite of Homogeneous.

This phrase is used in the standard sentence, "The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses." It means that the breast is composed of 51%-75% glandular tissue. Cancer looks like a white spot on a mammogram. Normal glandular tissue is also white on a mammogram. When there is more glandular tissue in the breast, cancer is harder to see/detect. As an analogy, imagine trying to spot a white bear when it is snowing outside (in the North Pole). If it is snowing lightly, the white bear should be easy to detect. If there is a raging snow storm (blizzard), the white bear will be difficult to detect. Back to the mammogram...Since there 51%-75% glandular tissue, breast cancer may be more difficult to see in a breast that is "heterogeneously dense".

Bone formation where bones are usually not present. Typically refers to abnormal bone growth within soft tissue. Can be a cause of pain.

Stomach that is bulging into the chest. It can be small or large. It is a common cause of heartburn (reflux).

A "hole" in the diaphragm where the esophagus passes through to connect to the stomach. Point of division between chest and abdomen. Dividing point between esophagus (tube that connects your mouth to the stomach) and stomach.

Type of Nuclear Medicine exam that can determine whether your gallbladder is sick (cholecystitis).

Enlarged lymph nodes in the hilar region. This can be caused by a number of causes including infection, inflammation or cancer.