This phrase is used in the standard sentence, "The breasts are almost entirely fatty." It means that the breast is composed of less than 25% glandular tissue and more than 75% fat. Cancer looks like a white spot on a mammogram. Normal glandular tissue is also white on a mammogram. When there is more glandular tissue in the breast, cancer is harder to see/detect. As an analogy, imagine trying to spot a white bear when it is snowing outside (in the North Pole). If it is snowing lightly, the white bear should be easy to detect. If there is a raging snow storm (blizzard), the white bear will be difficult to detect. Back to the mammogram...Since there is less than 25% glandular tissue, breast cancer is often more conspicuous in a breast that is "almost entirely fatty".

Fluid in a part of the lungs. Normally, all parts of the lungs should be filled with air. This term is interchangeable with “air space disease”. This is often seen with pneumonia or severe pulmonary edema.

Tiny air-filled bubble like structures that make up the lung. Think of a fluffy sponge. The alveoli are like the small airspaces in the sponge.

A benign growth of the jaw or mandible. Presents as a hard but painless mass, is slow growing, and often goes unnoticed. Rarely becomes cancerous. Can be surgically removed but do not require chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

The disease process of amyloid in the brain. This is often diagnosed on MRI as multiple tiny dark spots, or areas of “susceptibility”.

Occurs as a result of abnormal protein deposits in the brain tissue that cause bleeding. Sometimes a large area of the brain can bleed and cause problems related to pressure effect, memory, and function.

Refers to the point where two things are connected together. Often refers to intestine, where surgeons connect two parts of intestine. For example, ileocolonic anastomosis refers to the point where ileum (last part of small intestine) is connected to colon (large intestine).

Area of bulging/ dilation. Often refers to blood vessel.

ANEURYSM (brain)
An abnormal blood vessel that forms a pouch or “sac”. Think of the tip of a balloon that is blown up too much. They can be of different sizes from small to large. When a brain aneurysm ruptures or leaks, blood spills into the brain surface causing swelling.

Having the shape or look of an aneurysm. It is a descriptive term.