These can have many different appearances. These are usually irregularly shaped but have smooth borders (). These are usually considered not cancerous.

An MRI term used to explain what happens to tissue after it interacts with a radio wave or signal. Different tissue such as bone, fluid, fat, soft tissue have a different echo pattern making them look either bright, dark, or in-between on MR scans.

Appearing "bright" white on ultrasound. Many things can appear bright on ultrasound, including (but not limited to) calcium deposits (i.e. kidney stone or gallstone), air, and fat.

ECHOGENIC (breast)
Appears brighter than surrounding tissue on an ultrasound. Some of the things that can appear bright on an ultrasound include calcium deposits, air, and fat. Although some calcifications can be seen on breast ultrasound, all calcifications are better seen and characterized with a mammogram.

The appearance of blood vessels that are loose or “floppy”. Sometimes these blood vessels curve or bend instead of going in a straight line. It is a descriptive word that does not necessarily mean the blood vessel is abnormal.

In the brain this refers to blood vessels that are loose or “floppy”. Sometimes these blood vessels curve or bend instead of going in a straight line. It is a descriptive word that does not necessarily mean the blood vessel is abnormal.

Means located in the wrong place. For example, ectopic kidney means kidney is located in the wrong place.

Pregnancy that is not inside the uterus. This is an abnormal condition that can result in miscarriage or serious complication (such as bleeding).


EDEMA (breast)
Swelling. State of being saturated with fluid. For example, when you have a swollen ankle after twisting it, there is ankle edema. Breast edema shows up as swollen breasts.