A small fluid collection on the side of the neck related to a birth defect. It is usually benign but can become infected. There are multiple varieties but type 2 is the most common.

If these calcifications are irregular in shape and are seen only in one part of the breast, there is a chance that these are cancerous. If these are rod-shaped with smooth outlines and are diffuse (everywhere) in the breast, there is a good chance that these are not cancerous. The radiologist will decide if the patient should have a biopsy for these calcifications.

Human gene that produces a protein (different from BRCA2) that helps to repair damaged DNA (help prevent cancer). When there is a mutation in this gene, it is harder for the body to repair damaged DNA. Because of this, there is increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers.

Human gene that produces a protein (different form BRCA1) that helps to repair damaged DNA (help prevent cancer). When there is a mutation in this gene, it is harder for the body to repair damaged DNA. Because of this, there is increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers.

Refers to a certain part of the brain located in the frontal lobe usually on the left side if you are right handed. It is important in that it helps you to make words and speak. If you have a stroke in this area you will not be able to speak.

Plural of "bronchus". Please see "bronchus".

Dilated bronchi (air tubes) commonly seen in chronic lung disease or chronic infection.

Air tubes that branch out from the trachea (the main air tube).

Large air tube that supplies air to the right lower lobe and right middle lobe (parts of the right lung). This is a major air tube branch coming off of the right mainstem bronchus.

An "air bubble" in the lung. This is often seen in patients with emphysema.